Thursday, February 18, 2010

Simple steps to protect your eye sight

This article speaks of a few basic steps to preserve your sight.

1. Get regular eye exams
2. Stay informed about eye diseases
3. Exercise Regularly
4. Wear sunglasses and protective eye wear
5. Avoid eye fatigue
6. Provide your eyes with critical nutrients

Click the title for the full article.

There is also an article that states eating a 'Mediterranean diet' protects eye health. The article states

A study from the Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) found that people who consume at least 100 millilitres of olive oil a week are almost 50 per cent less likely to develop macular degeneration than those who eat less than 1 millilitre per week.
The study also found that people who eat other foods which are rich in omega-3 fatty-acids, such as fish and nuts, are 15 per cent less likely to develop macular degeneration.

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